Citrine ASCII/EN


| The Hague, The Netherlands

By special request an ASCII-English edition of Citrine has been added to the download section. This version requires no special characters. See below for the conversion table. The ASCII-English version is available for Windows and Linux at the moment. Additionally, the Citrine binaries have been updated to 0.9.6b which includes a stability fix for the editor. You can generate an ASCII version yourself by passing the ASCII compatibility flag -D ASCIICOMPAT. Also note that the new binary downloads that include SDL have been zipped to reduce their storage footprint.

- Gabor de Mooij (project lead)

international numberinternationalNumber
square rootsquareRoot
ask passwordaskPassword
day of the yeardayOfTheYear
multiply by:multiplyBy:
divide by:divideBy:
this taskthisTask

All events are camelCased.

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